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A bit about us

At Moana Tela Coffee, we believe that great coffee should do
more than just taste good. It should also bring people together in your community and support local artists.

That's why we've created a community-supported coffee brand that
does just that. Our coffee is ethically and sustainably sourced by the Spirit
Mountain Roasting Company and delivered directly to your door. By buying our
high-quality coffee, you are supporting local artists, helping to create a
better future for them, their families, and the community. So why not give us a
try? We think you'll be glad you did.

I'd Love to know More!

M.O.E - Coffee Music Video

About our coffee

Our coffee is Ethically sourced by:

Spirit Mountain Coffee

Native American Owned

Indigenous from seed to cup.


Ethically crafted using earth-friendly materials.


Specialty coffee sourced from around the world, roasted in small batches.

Customer Reviews

You know how much we love our customers! These are just a couple of many kind words said about their first Moana Tela Coffee Samples

  • Brittany

    I ordered the first sample of Moana Tela Coffee because I am a Fan of Moana Tela, so I wanted to support the cause. We ended up having it every day, It is so smooth, aromatic and addictive. We've had to add ourselves to the waitlist because we are running out fast.

  • Jay

    Can I start by saying wow wow wow! Moana Tela you have done it again, you are super talented. Like it says on the website, you can literally taste the song in every cup, because my taste buds are dancing. I've added myself to the waitlist to get my exclusive batch.

  • Michaela

    Thank you so much for the sample of MOEtion Roast. This coffee is amazing, you can really taste the flavors of Honey, Cardaman and Vanilla, it is so smooth. I look forward to getting my first official order.

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